
Ansible is an open source community project sponsored by Red Hat, it's the simplest way to automate IT. Ansible is the only automation language that can be used across entire IT teams from systems and network administrators to developers and managers.

usage: ansible-playbook [-h] [--version] [-v] [--private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE] [-u REMOTE_USER] [-c CONNECTION] [-T TIMEOUT] [--ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS]
                        [--sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS] [--scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS] [--ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS]
                        [-k | --connection-password-file CONNECTION_PASSWORD_FILE] [--force-handlers] [--flush-cache] [-b] [--become-method BECOME_METHOD]
                        [--become-user BECOME_USER] [-K | --become-password-file BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE] [-t TAGS] [--skip-tags SKIP_TAGS] [-C] [--syntax-check] [-D]
                        [-i INVENTORY] [--list-hosts] [-l SUBSET] [-e EXTRA_VARS] [--vault-id VAULT_IDS]
                        [--ask-vault-password | --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES] [-f FORKS] [-M MODULE_PATH] [--list-tasks] [--list-tags] [--step]
                        [--start-at-task START_AT_TASK]
                        playbook [playbook ...]

Runs Ansible playbooks, executing the defined tasks on the targeted hosts.

positional arguments:
  playbook              Playbook(s)

optional arguments:
  --ask-vault-password, --ask-vault-pass
                        ask for vault password
  --become-password-file BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE, --become-pass-file BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE
                        Become password file
  --connection-password-file CONNECTION_PASSWORD_FILE, --conn-pass-file CONNECTION_PASSWORD_FILE
                        Connection password file
  --flush-cache         clear the fact cache for every host in inventory
  --force-handlers      run handlers even if a task fails
  --list-hosts          outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else
  --list-tags           list all available tags
  --list-tasks          list all tasks that would be executed
  --skip-tags SKIP_TAGS
                        only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values
  --start-at-task START_AT_TASK
                        start the playbook at the task matching this name
  --step                one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running
  --syntax-check        perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it
  --vault-id VAULT_IDS  the vault identity to use
  --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES, --vault-pass-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES
                        vault password file
  --version             show program's version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit
  -C, --check           don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur
  -D, --diff            when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check
  -K, --ask-become-pass
                        ask for privilege escalation password
  -M MODULE_PATH, --module-path MODULE_PATH
                        prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (default=~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules)
  -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars EXTRA_VARS
                        set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @
  -f FORKS, --forks FORKS
                        specify number of parallel processes to use (default=5)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INVENTORY, --inventory INVENTORY, --inventory-file INVENTORY
                        specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. --inventory-file is deprecated
  -k, --ask-pass        ask for connection password
  -l SUBSET, --limit SUBSET
                        further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
  -t TAGS, --tags TAGS  only run plays and tasks tagged with these values
  -v, --verbose         Causes Ansible to print more debug messages. Adding multiple -v will increase the verbosity, the builtin plugins currently evaluate up to -vvvvvv.
                        A reasonable level to start is -vvv, connection debugging might require -vvvv.

Connection Options:
  control as whom and how to connect to hosts

  --private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, --key-file PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
                        use this file to authenticate the connection
  --scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)
  --sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)
  --ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS
                        specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g. ProxyCommand)
  --ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        override the connection timeout in seconds (default=10)
  -c CONNECTION, --connection CONNECTION
                        connection type to use (default=smart)
                        connect as this user (default=None)

Privilege Escalation Options:
  control how and which user you become as on target hosts

  --become-method BECOME_METHOD
                        privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo), use `ansible-doc -t become -l` to list valid choices.
  --become-user BECOME_USER
                        run operations as this user (default=root)
  -b, --become          run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)
ansible-playbook -i /path/to/my_inventory_file -u my_connection_user -k -f 3 -T 30 -t my_tag -m /path/to/my_modules -b -K my_playbook.yml

#Loads my_playbook.yml from the current working directory and:
    -i - uses my_inventory_file in the path provided for inventory to match the pattern.
    -u - connects over SSH as my_connection_user.
    -k - asks for password which is then provided to SSH authentication.
    -f - allocates 3 forks.
    -T - sets a 30-second timeout.
    -t - runs only tasks marked with the tag my_tag.
    -m - loads local modules from /path/to/my/modules.
    -b - executes with elevated privileges (uses become).
    -K - prompts the user for the become password.
# command line options
-ask-vault-password, --ask-vault-pass
ask for vault password

--become-method BECOME_METHOD
privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo), use ansible-doc -t become -l to list valid choices.

--become-password-file BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE, --become-pass-file BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE
Become password file

--become-user BECOME_USER
run operations as this user (default=root)

--connection-password-file CONNECTION_PASSWORD_FILE, --conn-pass-file CONNECTION_PASSWORD_FILE
Connection password file

clear the fact cache for every host in inventory

run handlers even if a task fails

outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else

list all available tags

list all tasks that would be executed

--private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, --key-file PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
use this file to authenticate the connection

--scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS
specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)

--sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS
specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)

only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values

--ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS
specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g. ProxyCommand)

--ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS
specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)

--start-at-task START_AT_TASK
start the playbook at the task matching this name

one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running

perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it

the vault identity to use

--vault-password-file, --vault-pass-file
vault password file

show program’s version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit

-C, --check
don’t make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur

-D, --diff
when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with –check

-K, --ask-become-pass
ask for privilege escalation password

override the connection timeout in seconds (default=10)

-b, --become
run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)

connection type to use (default=smart)

-e, --extra-vars
set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @

-f FORKS, --forks FORKS
specify number of parallel processes to use (default=5)

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-i, --inventory, --inventory-file
specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. –inventory-file is deprecated

-k, --ask-pass
ask for connection password

-l SUBSET, --limit SUBSET
further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern

-t, --tags
only run plays and tasks tagged with these values

connect as this user (default=None)

-v, --verbose
Causes Ansible to print more debug messages. Adding multiple -v will increase the verbosity, the builtin plugins currently evaluate up to -vvvvvv. A reasonable level to start is -vvv, connection debugging might require -vvvv.