Here I have listed various projects I have worked on over the years along with the tools/technologies I have used. These are mostly non-work-related projects. I have provided links to these projects, which will either lead to GitHub repositories or other websites. Some links may lead to private repos.
A WebGL (OpenGL in the Web) application that renders point cloud data (PLY files) in the web.
Primary Tools: WebGL (GLSL), HTML, Javascript
A computer vision application that tracks human pupil in real time.
Primary Tools: C++, OpenCV, CUDA
Object detection with vgg16 convolutional neural network using tensorflow
Primary Tools: Python, Tensorflow, Keras
An OpenCV application to read and display an rtsp stream.
Primary Tools: OpenCV, C++, cmake
A javascript library that provides python like functionality.
Primary Tools: Javascript, Nodejs
PLYParser is a javascript library that parses PLY (Polygon File Format) files.
Primary Tools: Javascript, Nodejs
A python module that parses ASCII PLY (.ply) (Polygon File Format) files.
Primary Tools: Python
A Django IOT web application with a notion of a Company, Thing, and Location to accommodate deployment of IOT products.
Primary Tools: Django, Python, Docker, Nginx, Heroku
A dashboard for stock market summarization using data from Yahoo's finance page.
Primary Tools: Python, HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap
A webapp to calculate Future Value of a current sum with varying contributions and compounding frequencies.
Primary Tools: HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, chart.js
A webapp utility that calculates and visualizes loan Amortization schedule
Primary Tools: HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, chart.js